All scores of Sunday finals Greatest Golfer

Taylor Ross fires to the green on the No. 9 tee at The Lake Club. She won Ladies Low Net division.

Here are the scores of the Sunday play in the finals of the Farmers National Bank Greatest Golfer.

LEGENDS OPEN                      SUNDAY          Day 1   Day 2 Total

Larry McCall                            72        73        79        224

Tim Porter                               73        72        82        227

Bruce Berry                             79        80        80        239



* Brandon Pluchinsky                            67        71        72        210

Bryan Kordupel                                   70        69        71        210

John Doughton                                   71        70        70        211

Cole Christman                                   66        70        77        213

Ken Keller                                            73        74        67        214

Garrett Frank                                      74        73        68        215

Dean Austalosh                                   72        72        72        216

Conner Stevens                                   74        72        72        218

Josh Zarlenga                                      76        72        72        220

Jonah Karzmer                                    76        72        73        221

Corey Hines                                         79        72        74        225

Brian Newell                                       81        69        78        228


SENIORS OPEN                                                                      

* Richard Marlowe                    72        75        70        217

Fred Gintert                            74        67        76        217

Robert Gintert                        76        71        75        222

Ed Seeco                                 76        71        78        225

Frank Santisi                           78        71        77        226

Geno Bellatto                          76        72        78        226



Below are the Sunday scores in our flighted divisions.

These divisions play Day 3 as an 18-hole Champion shootout, with Days 1 and 2 serving as a 36-hole qualifier. Players are reset and they are awarded strokes based on their 36-hole finish after — the top third start Sunday at -2; the middle third start -1; the last third even.

The below scores reflect their Sunday score after the awarded strokes shown next to their score.



Taylor Ross      66        (-2)

Jackie Adler     71        (-1)

Alexis Gray      74       



Karen Patella   78 (-2)

Sandra DiMargio         80 (-1)

Pam Porter      80


Legends 8+                             

Pete Bennett   85        (-2)     

Patrick Cannon           88        (-1)     

Rich Rosen      86                   


Legends 8+                             

Pete Bennett   85        (-2)

Patrick Cannon           88        (-2)

Rich Rosen      86                   


Men 3-6                     

*Steve Smoot    74       

Jake Snyder     74        (-2)

Jimmy Linert   74      (-2)

Daniel Martin  76        (-1)

Vinny Gala       76        (-1)

Don Ferko III   79      

Josh Dankovich           81       

Rex Pagani      80        (-2)

Paul J Harris    81        (-1)

VIctor Daprile II           81        (-2)

James Nolen   83       

Will Klucinec   86        (-1)



Men 7-9                     

Jack Ferreri     77        (-2)

Michael Guerrieri        79        (-2)

Mike Moore    79        (-1)

Rob Leonard   80       

Chad Dager     80        (-2)

John Hazy        82       (-1)

African Grant  82        (-2)

Gavin Batdorff 85       

Dominic Giudici           85        (-1)

Daniel Kinney  86       

Noah Zoldan   87       

Paul Keller       90        (-1)


MEN 10-12

* Eric Rapp         76        (-1)

Hank Morris    76       

Jamie Palumbo           79        (-2)

Gary Goodrick 80        (-1)

Daniel Horacek           81        (-2)

Ray Polombi    83       

Ron Snyder     83       

Jeff Mast         85        -1

Steve Clay       86        (-2)

Angelo Bianco 87        (-1)

Jason Schafer  88        (-1)

Chuck Hodge   89       

Bill Wittman    89       

John Poultney 95        (-2)

Mike Smyth     96        (-2)


Men 13-15                 

Rocky Page      83        (-2)

Bradley Koch   84        (-2)

Jay Moore       84        (-1)

Nick Stanton   87        (-2)

Kevin Holden  87        (-2)

Mark Brown Jr 87        (-1)

Joshua Marsh  87       

John Rudolph  91       

Felepa Lowery 92        (-1)

Ryan Miller      92       

Phil Eubank     93        (-1)

Ben Carkido    93       

Men 16-19                 

Matt Bostian   98       

Jason Barnot   100      (-1)

Michael Mastoris        102      (-2)



Men 20-24                 

Dan Monico    95        (-2)

James T Gorman         95        (-1)