Schafer, Dager, Musguire latest to join 11th Farmers National
Jason Schafer of Lakeside Golf Course, Chad Dager of Old Avalon Golf Course and Madison Musguire
of Bedford Trails Golf Course make for the 40the players to already sign up for Greatest Golfer Youngstown.
We will announce the Saturday course assignments by July 12.
It’s cool every year to watch the first few names trickle in for the Greatest Golfer 54-hole event.
It’s an annual showing of favorite names like Tom Klim, Jim LaPolla, Bob Leonard and Tim Porter.
It’s also great to see new names sign up right out of the gate.
Welcome to Greatest Tom Skook and Ron Rutchie.
It’s also neat seeing many great Valley home courses on display.
Tamer Win, Kennsington, Salem Hills, Pine Lake, Tippecanoe, The Lake Club and more …
All showing up early.
Watch registrations here.