2021 ‘Joe’ Dickey Electric Greatest juniors event sked

We’re excited for the 2021 edition of the ‘Joe’ Dickey Electric Junior Greatest Golfer Youngstown season. We have many new features to brag about — some of them ready to go and some pending some sponsor recruitment and other final details. Here’s a look at what we’ve cooked up for 2021. Registration will begin in mid-April on TheGreatestGolfer.com Feel free to email us with some feedback as we nail down this baby. Send to moc.l1739376436iamg@1739376436tseta1739376436ergre1739376436flog1739376436. — We are growing to 10 qualifier events (from 6) and putting in pricing discounts for players. — Our season opens Saturday, May 22 with a 2-player youth-adult event at Reserve Run Golf Course. — The new 2021 courses are Reserve Run, Bedford Trails, Olde Dutch Mill, Tamer Win and Castle Hills. — We’ll test a u19 division this summer with 5 qualifiers and championship. “U19” will be defined as players who haven’t yet entered their junior year of college. This is designed for our high school grads and our recent grads still looking for early adult competition. — Trumbull Country Club will host our first junior Long Drive and Par 3 competition. This inaugural event will be the eve before the 2021 junior championships. — Our 2nd Greatest Day of Golf charity marathon will grow to add a junior component. We will be looking for up to 20 players to play golf all day to raise money for three Valley charities. — We have a new partnership with NorthernOhioGolf.com, and will enjoy some nice exposure throughout all northern Ohio for this thing we call Greatest Golfer. Introducing your tentative 2021 ‘Joe’ Dickey Electric season: JUNIORS Greatest Juniors play will extend to 10 events and also feature a new u19 division that will play 6 dates, in addition to u17s playing in all events and u14 playing in 6 events The championship for all 3 divisions will be Fri-Sat, July 23-24 at Avalon Lakes and Squaw Creek. Here’s a calendar and details: • Saturday, May 22, 1 p.m., Reserve Run Golf Course ‘Joe’ Dickey Electric 2021 Juniors Kick-off 2-player Best Ball Showdown for players in the u14, u17, u19 divisions and an adult partner. Individual scores will count toward traditional Greatest Series standings and finals. • Tuesday, June 8, 10:30 a.m., Pine Lakes 18 holes, u17 first off, then u14 • Tuesday, June 15, 10:30 a.m., Bedford Trails 18 holes, u17 first off, then u14 • Thursday, June 17, 8 a.m., Salem Hills 18 holes, u19 first off, then u17 • Tuesday, June 22, 9 a.m., Castle Hills 18 holes, u19 first off, then u17 • Tuesday, June 29, 8 a.m., Mill Creek Mid-Season Shootout-All Divisions 18 holes, u19 first off, then u17, then u14 • Thursday, July 8, 8 a.m., Tam O’Shanter 18 holes, u17 & u14 shotgun start. • Tuesday, July 13, 8 a.m., Tamer Win 18 holes, u17 first off, then u14 • Friday, July 16, 8 a.m., Olde Dutch 18 holes, u19 first off, then u17 • Tuesday, July 20, Noon, Avalon Lakes 18 holes, u19 first off, then u17 • Thursday, July 22, 2021, 6 p.m. Inaugural Greatest Juniors Long Drive and Par 3 shootout Trumbull Country Club Divisions: U17 Girls and Boys Qualifying will take place during qualifier events. Field size limited to max of 24 total players. More details to come. • Friday, July 23, 11:30 a.m. 2021 ‘Joe’ Dickey Electric Junior Championships Squaw Creek, U19 and u17 divisions, first 18 holes • Saturday, July 24, 11:30 a.m. Avalon Lakes, U19 and u17 divisions (2nd 18 holes) and u14 18 holes Pricing: Qualifier events are $60. Play in 5 or more qualifiers, pay $50 each. Play in all 10, pay $40 each. (only u17s have 10 events.) Sponsorship needs: To minimize entry fees for these events, we seek sponsors for the following: • Need 2 title sponsors for the Long Drive and the Greatest Day events • Need 3 presenting sponsors for the Long Drive and the Greatest Day events • 10 division sponsors for the various junior events. All sponsor programs include a reduction in playing fees.